Photoshoot for South Wales Echo taken on Thur Sept 3

Moderator: Gavin McArdle

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Photoshoot for South Wales Echo taken on Thur Sept 3

Postby gilberninvader » Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:53 pm

My son Nick, took this clip of the photoshoot by the Echo, that went out on Friday 4/9/09.

My thanks to John and Bryan too, for sparing the time to come along for it.

It featured as the centre pages and the article was very good overall. But I'm afraid the same posed shots were required with our hands glued to the cars ..... ! :wink:

The tag gilbern should be accepted soon, to be able to find it easier again and not just from searching for Porthkerry too.( spot the train on the viaduct anybody?)

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