Gilby just passed it's Mot 1st time

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Mot time again

Postby Waylison » Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:25 am

Hi All.

Having now owned this car for over a year ( mot ran out while it was being worked on this winter ) it's now time to do checks before sending it in for test. This will be my first time sending my Invader MkII for the test, so what ' special ' things should I look at before she goes in? Obviously the usual lights, brakes, seatbelts, wipers, tyres, visual smoke test on exhaust, loose battery, etc.... but what I'm after is anyones experiences of stuff that the tester checked or failed your car on please.

It'll be fun putting it on the ramps to lift it in the air. Tried that at a mates garage to check underside when buying it and it's so low that we needed wooden planks so the exhausts cleared the front of the ramp! :?

Cheers All.

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Postby Greybags » Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:26 pm

Wayne ...

Have a look here

This covers it all..

Interestingly a loose battery is not an MOT failure....


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Postby David » Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:01 pm

Just don't worry about anything - I can vouch for the fact they will pass with half the chassis missing, various electrics not functioning, a blowing exhaust, tyres with cracking in the tread blocks AND in the sidewalls, wipers set so they don't sweep the drivers area of vision, loose seat belt anchorages (like not attached at all in one case) .........

All in all a doddle getting these Invaders through the test - don't panic Mr. Mainwaring, don't panic!!



PS Out of curiosity - should a boot, quarter of an inch deep in fuel, an MOT failure?

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Postby Greybags » Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:18 am

David ...

PS Out of curiosity - should a boot, quarter of an inch deep in fuel, an MOT failure?

Depends .... If it leaked there from any part of the fuel system, then it is an automatic failure, but if you are just storing it in the boot(?????) or it leaked there from a fuel can you were using to transport petrol, then no it's not an MOT failure ... except that the tester could refuse to test the car as it could pose a fire hazard in his garage.

Strange but true ...

Although it would fall foul of Health and Safety and the storing of hazerdous substances, which states that petrol has to be kept in an approved container.

The really really sad part is that I know the answers.. :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Another MOT Question

Postby Reddi-Eng » Fri Feb 22, 2008 6:52 pm

Just scraped my MkIII through its MOT today but the tester was ready to fail it because the backs of High back seats do not lock to prevent them hinging fwd (To allow acces to the back seats).

My questions are:

1. Is this a MOT Fail?
2. Should these seat lock in position/do others who have High back MkIII seats lock?
3. Why has it not failed on this before?

Just thought I'd ask before taking them out to investigate the mechanism


PS can't get on the link in the earlier MOT post ( to work now?

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Postby Gilb » Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:26 pm

The seats in my MKIII don't lock either...

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Postby Maurice » Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:53 am

Hi Guys
Re locking the backs of seats. 'M.O.T. Test UK- Car owners guide to the M.O.T. Test' Which one can down load from the web states under heading for seats. 'all seats backs must be securable in the upright position'. My tester who understands the older car has always been keen on seat security.
I think he wants me back next year as a good customer

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Postby Reddi-Eng » Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:42 pm


Do you think there needs to be a hole for a bolt which can be fitted just for the MOT? :wink:


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Postby Maurice » Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:50 pm

Hi Derek
I doubt if you will get away with just a bolt. I guess the tester will be looking to release quickly as well has having the backs secure so that rear seat passengers can exit in case of say a fire. How about other cars in the Club. How are their seats fitted?
Good luck Maurice

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Postby Reddi-Eng » Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:19 pm


Thanks for the comments.

I think this is all about interpretation. As I said in six previous MOT's since I've had the car its not been cited as a requirement problem. Also what are the rules about original equipment specifications? If the cars left the factory like this can they impose a regulation that makes the seats inavlid?

It will be nice to get the opinion and experience of other members, perhaps through Rarebits and certainly a survey of cars at the National day.


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Postby Greybags » Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:38 am


No it's not a retrospective enforcement, and there will be a date somewhere, I have been trawling my docs looking for the info but not been able to find it yet..

My local garage who has been dealing with my stuff for the last 20 years (and answers all my questions like this) advisies that if anything was original equipment then it has to abide by the test standard of that time.
He thinks the problem is with some of the younger testers who take the test script as the bible, and do not realise that older cars would not have had these things from new.

So a 60's car that didn't have screen washers fitted from new cant be failed for not having them in 2008, pre 72 cars can have 100W headlight bulbs, etc etc etc.

But if you later fit something to your car then it does apply ..

So going back to the screen washer scenario, if the car didn't have them originally it cant fail if they are not present now, but if they were fitted at a later date and they are on the car then they must be functional at all subsequent MOT's, but if they were not fitted as standard and someone then fitted them, if you want to restore the car to orginal, you can remove them.

It is just a matter of trawling through everything looking for the relevant dates.

Hope this helps...


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Postby Maurice » Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:10 pm

Hi Derek/ Grahame
I think I might have to disagree with you over retrospective enforcement, and screen washers in particular. This is one issue I have had experiance on and was required to fit screen washers on a 1932 Morris. When the issue first came up at the first M.O.T. after a long time off the road and a full restoration I was required to fit screen washers. I took this matter right through the system to the Ministry Men as they were at the time. It appears that this is one of the few items that have to be fitted restrospectivily. If the windscreen had opened only two inches like my Riley does even though I can not get out through the crack to clean it it would have been O.K. On the other hand no seat belts before 60's, No fail.
The important question is were the seats ever fitted a locking device' if so one can't plead it was never there.
Derek I don't know where you are but if you are near a Ministry Testing station go in and lean heavily on the counter till you get an answer and if its the one you want get them to photo the page or write it on their note paper. Thats my policy. I will keep searhing
Regards Maurice [/i]

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Postby Greybags » Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:44 pm

Thanks Maurice ..

So wasn't that a bad example to pick ... :oops:

I may not be perfect, but I am good looking and my mother thinks I'm wonderful... :lol:


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Postby Reddi-Eng » Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:27 pm

Just had this feedback from an MOT Forum

"Original design characteristics are acceptable"

I think I'll print this out for next year. :D

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Postby Maurice » Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:31 pm

Hi Derek/ Grahame
I see you guys have cracked it. Just to confirm 'her indoors' wanted a bit of time in Exeter so I took off to the VOSA Testing Station. I saw a very helpful man who copied the Testers Manual on the page on seats and confirmed that there has been no amendments since that print. Originality is enough to pass the test. If anyone wants a copy of that page just call me. I can scan and email. A point he did make is that there is a special helpline for Testers and if in doubt they should call in. They all should have the number.

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